Monday, February 1, 2010

Sewing with the Girl's

Sew yesterday we had a sewing meeting at the house. Meg & Trish came over and we worked on notebook covers. They both completed theirs, and I have just a bit left to complete mine. I took a couple of pics. Like a duffus I forgot to take pics of their finished products. (Duh!)
P.S. Chubby, Emily, & Callie played lincoln logs for their entertainment.


~holly said...

this just gets me really excited about the retreat!!!!

The Gills said...

Oh how fun! I need a sewing group : (

Danielle said...

I am so happy for you that you have a sewing group. I LOVE mine. I look forward to every Sunday because I know it means sewing with friends and some good "girl" time. It's great that you have a built in buddy for the kiddos too. lol Can't wait to see your pics of the finished project though.