Friday, April 24, 2009

Demi's belated b-day pants

Sew as usual I'm late on gift giving. It's been a lifelong problem for me. Well the good news is I did complete the project and sent the b-day present home with Demi's mom after her recent visit to Austin. Demi's mom took some pics and sent to me so I want to log and share them with you guys. The word is her older sister is wanting a pair pretty bad. We can't have upset, so Cousin Cassie is on it. Unfortunaltey you can just never tell when Cousin Cassie will complete it :-)

Also if you haven't already visited Cousin Jennie's site there are some cute pics of Lane in some recent applique adventures on knit material.

P.S. All my sweet 2nd generation cousins are soo cute, which means my 1st generation cousins posses the secret on how to produce beautiful children. They should get a patten and sale it!